Monday, July 18, 2011

Mad-Mommy quiz

Ive been recieving this new magazine in the mail called Working Mother and I came across this quiz and thought I should share it with and new mommy's out there or 2nd time mommy's, working and stay at home mommy's that might be experiencing any of the symptoms below. 

In the past month, have you:

1. More than once found it very difficult to cool off after you got angry? Yes/No

2. More than twice, had two or more alcoholic drinks at night to calm yourself down? Yes/No

3. More than once found yourself mindlessly surfing the web for several hours very late at night? Yes/No

4. Experienced sleep difficulties, particularly waking in the middle of the night having trouble falling back asleep? Yes/No

5. Without thinking, smacked your child or even your husband out of anger? Yes/No

6. Been regularly hypercritical with your spouse/partner, and found yourself arguing regularly as a couple? Yes/No

If you answer Yes to more than three of these questions, it might be worth talking to your doctor or a professional therapist about your anger and whether you might be depressed. Angry outbursts can be a symptom of depression. 

Click here and learn more about depression at



Is doing another giveaway tickets to..........

 For the Tampa Bay Florida area.
To enter just click here and follow the instructions on the website.

Good luck!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The things he does.......

    The things he does always makes me smile. This morning we started off by lying on the couch watching T.V when out of no where he turns around and kisses me on the cheek. My heart melted into a thousand pieces.
    While making him breakfast I noticed him crouched down on the floor and ask him what he is doing he gets up puts something in his mouth I tell him "No eso caca" (no that's poopy). I crouch down tell him to give it to me he then says "hmmm" while knotting yes saying its "yummy" smiles, opens up his arms and gives me a big hug. Whats does one do after that?

    He likes to add on to my notes. What I love that he does is he climbs on top of the chair looks at what ever is on the table he says "No" while shaking his finger looking at me and looking at what he knows he is not suppose to be touching, but then he does it anyways. I've given up on my notebook.

The things he does always makes me laugh. He leaves his toys all over the house.

     I'm always tripping on something, I'm surprised I haven't been hospitalized by now! 

     While washing the dishes he decided he wanted to go through my cabinets. I turned around like five times asking him to put it all back in the bag. Every time I would tell him he would pout and yell put it in the bag and as soon as I turned back around he would take it all out again. Like I said I did this about five times, on the last count I yelled at him that he took off running so fast holding on so tight to those band-aids went to hide in the living room.

   He plays with the most random objects. 

                                           Painters tape.                                         Lint rolls.

He saw me taking pictures and decided to do the same thing with the roll of tape. He put it on his forehead facing Daddy saying "Teeeee" (cheese). 

 Daddy brought home this box Vince decided he wanted to put on his head and run around thinking he wasn't going to run into anything.

 He wanted to drive his truck all over the box.

 Of course then him and the box had to finish watching Toy Story 3.
And this was all in one day!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tag your it!

Ive been tagged twice by Ninyabella and Gypsy in the City and just keep forgetting to re-tag. So here I go........

The Rules:
1.) Link back to the person who tagged you.
2.) Nominate ten other bloggers.
3.) List your 10 favorite beauty products.

Diary of a glam Mommy

The beauty department


Stitching Sewlo

Honeslty WTF

P.s I made this

The Jessica Harlow Blog

Closet Revealed

kiss and make up

Dear Photograph

      Ten favorite beauty products
1. Mary Kay oil free make up remover
2. home made sugar scrub
3. Styling glaze by Ion
4. Mary Kay satin hands scrub
5.Vaseline repairing moisture lotion
6. Mary Kay oil-free hydrating gel
7. Sally Hansen hard as nails clear polish (recommended by ninyabella)
8. Mary Kay acne treatment gel
9. John Frieda brilliant brunette shine creme
10. Any form of lip treatment: chapstick, lip balm, chapet, carmex etc

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our 4th of July

    We had an awesome 4th of July! Joel and I took the kids along with his brother, the sister in law and their kids to Coachman park in Clearwater. It was very last minute but so worth it. The kids had so much fun, and the fireworks were amazing. We had Papa John's pizza, smoothies, Italian Ice but missed out on the funnel cake. Enjoy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Dear Photograph

Dear Photograph is this really cool blog I came across in Honestly WTF which is a blog I follow. Dear Photograph is a blog where you can submit a picture of the past taken in the present. Its such an amazing idea. This really makes me want to go through all my old pictures and get creative!
